Reporting a Concern
Step 1 | Informal Complaint Process
The Beaumont District strives to empower site and department leadership members to resolve issues early and at an informal level. All complaints should be initiated at the earliest level. The initial step should always begin with the immediate supervisor of the department, school site, or program. If attempts to resolve at this level are unsuccessful, the district has processes available to assist with resolution through a formal level.
Complaints concerning school site personnel (teachers, classified staff, parents, students, programs, etc,) should be directed to the appropriate Assistant Principal/Principal.
Complaints concerning District programs should be directed to the appropriate department/person in charge of the program.
Complaints concerning District Administrators (Principals, Directors, Coordinators, etc.) should be directed to the Student Services Department.
Title IX and Gender Equity complaints See Step 2: Formal Complaint Process and Contacts.
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