About Dual Language Immersion
The Dual Language Immersion Program seeks to teach students to become fluent in both English and Spanish. It primarily achieves this by integrating native English speaking students with native Spanish speaking students. In addition to learning to read, write, and speak two languages, students also develop an appreciation for other cultures, expand their self-esteem, and may earn the Riverside County Seal of Multi-literacy and the California State Seal of Bi-literacy.
Instructional Program and Model
The program adheres to the District core curriculum and uses state-adopted materials. In addition, the pgoram applies "grade-level common core state standards.
Grades TK - 2 Model
Language arts is taught in Spanish.
One or two content areas are taught in English
- English Language Development is provided daily, using the common core state English Language Development standards.
- Time split is TK - 1 is 90/10 and 2nd grade is 80/20 Spanish/English.
Grades 3 - 4 Model
Formal literacy in English is introduced, while Spanish literacy is maintained.
- English Language Development is provided each day using the common core state
- English Language Development standards.
- Other content areas are taught in Spanish.
- Time split is 3rd grade 70/30 and 4th grade is 60/40 Spanish/English.
Grade 5 Model
Continued emphasis on English Language Development and academic vocabulary.
- Language arts and math continues to be addressed in both languages.
- High academic and linguistic expectations.
- The time split for 5th grade is 50/50 Spanish/English.
Grade 6 - 8 Model
- Two core subjects are taught in Spanish at each grade level.
- 6th grade seminar, math, history, and science.
- 7th grade history, math, Spanish language arts.
- 8th grade history, Spanish, language arts.
- Zero period courses are offered to create space in DLI student schedules to accommodate electives.
Grade 9 - 12 Model
- Students take Spanish elective courses in high school.
- Advanced Spanish culture and composition I and II.
- AP Spanish language and culture.
- AP Spanish literature.
Notification / Notificación
Parental Notification of Available Language Programs or Language Acquisition Programs
Beaumont Unified School District offers the following language and language acquisition programs for student enrollment. Parents/Guardians may choose a language acquisition program that best suits their child (EC Section 310[a]). Parents may also request new DLI programs at a school that does not have one.
A Los Padres de Los Programas de Idiomas Disponibles y Programas de Adquisición de Idiomas
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Beaumont ofrece los siguientes programas de idioma y adquisición de idioma para la inscripción de estudiantes. Los Padres/Guardianes pueden elegir el programa de adquisición del idioma que mejor se adapte a su hijo/a (EC Sección 310[a]). Los padres también pueden solicitar nuevos programas DLI en una escuela que no tenga uno.