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BTA Employees

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Below is information regarding various leave policies for certificated employees. 
Please visit the following links to review the education code provisions applicable to certificated staff members. 
Article 4.6- Personal Necessity Leave
4.6.1 Sick leave may be used at the unit member's election for purposes of personal necessity, provided that use of such personal necessity leave does not exceed seven (7) days in any single school year.

4.6.2 For purposes of this provision personal necessity shall be limited to:
(a) death, or serious illness or injury of a member of the unit member's immediate family. For purposes of this provision an immediate family member shall be limited to spouse, registered domestic partner, child, brother, sister, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law of the employee; mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, grandmother, grandfather, stepchild, or grandchild of the unit member or spouse or registered domestic partner of the unit member; and any relative living in the immediate household of the unit member.
(b) an accident involving the unit member's person or property, or the person or property of a unit member's immediate family as defined above.
4.6.3 In addition to the reasons set forth in paragraph 4.6.2 above, each unit member shall be permitted to use four (4) days of personal necessity leave each school year in cases of compelling personal importance so long as such absence is not directly related to considering, planning, or engaging in illegal work stoppages or slowdowns. Unit members who desire to use days of personal necessity leave under this paragraph must request in writing advance approval from the Superintendent or his/her designee. The request shall not indicate the specific reason
for the desired use of this personal necessity leave. Such request shall contain a statement assuring that this personal necessity leave will not be related to a work stoppage or slowdown. Leave taken pursuant to this Article, together with any leave taken pursuant to Article 4.6.2, shall not exceed seven (7) days in any single school year.

4.6.4 In order to assure the efficient operation of the District, a limit of four percent (4%) of all unit members shall be permitted to utilize personal necessity leave under this section on any given day, as applicable only to 4.6.3.
Article 4.8- Bereavement Leave
4.8.1 A unit member shall be entitled to a maximum of three (3) days leave of absence, or five (5) days leave of absence if one-way travel in excess of two hundred fifty (250) miles is required, without loss of salary on account of death of any member of the unit member's immediate family.

4.8.2 For purposes of this provision an immediate family member shall be limited to those individuals set forth in Article 4.6.2. On a case-by-case basis, in the event of extenuating circumstances, the Superintendent may expand the definition of "immediate family.”
Please note: As of January 1, 2023, Assembly Bill 1949 requires employers to provide up to five (5) days of bereavement leave regardless of mileage. 
Article 4.5- Parenting Leave
4.5.1 A unit member who is the parent of a child born or adopted during the school year shall be entitled to five (5) days of leave at sub-differential pay. Such leave shall not be deducted from personal necessity nor sick leave.