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CSEA Employees

CSEA employees are classified non-management employees

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Health Benefits
Available to members with Kaiser by PhysMetrics.

Sick Leave

13.2.9 Personal and Injury Leave
Bargaining unit members shall once a year be credited with a total of 100 working days of paid sick leave, including days to which he/she is entitled under Section 13.2.1 of this Agreement. Such days of paid sick leave in addition to those required by Section 13.2.1 shall be compensated at fifty percent (50%) of the employee’s regular salary. The paid sick leave in this section shall be exclusive of any other paid leave, holidays, vacation, or compensating time to which the unit member may be entitled.
13.3 Personal Necessity Leave
13.3.1 Personal illness or injury leave which is credited under 13.2.1 of this Article may be used at the unit member's election for purposes of personal necessity, provided that use of such personal necessity leave does not exceed six (6) days in any school year.

13.3.2 For purposes of this provision personal necessity shall be limited to:
(a) death or serious illness of a member of the unit member's immediate family, as designated in 13.4.2;
(b) an accident which is unforeseen involving the unit member's person or property, or the person or property of a unit member's immediate family;
(c) or other personal necessities which are allowed at the discretion of the Superintendent and/or designee, provided that under no circumstances shall leave be available for purposes of personal convenience or for the extension of a holiday or a vacation period, or for matters which can be taken care of outside the work hours, or for recreational activities. Should the circumstances outlined in "a" and "b" arise, the employee shall make every effort to comply with District procedure to enable the District to secure a substitute.
13.3.3 Except for cases covered by "a" and "b" above, a unit member must obtain prior approval from the appropriate management person before utilization of personal necessity leave. The following provisions apply: If an employee has a compelling reason for personal necessity leave and does not wish the reason to appear on the request form, he/she may tell the immediate supervisor and if the supervisor approves, the Superintendent and/or designee shall approve the leave without a stated reason. If the employee wishes to approach the Superintendent and/or designee directly for personal necessity leave and does not wish the reason to appear on the form, he/she may do so after informing the immediate supervisor that he/she intends to give the reason to the Superintendent and/or designee.

13.3.4 Notwithstanding the above provisions, each unit member shall be permitted to use two (2) days of personal necessity leave each year without stating a verbal or written reason provided such absence is not directly related to considering, planning or engaging in illegal work stoppage or slowdowns. Unit members who desire to use personal necessity leave under this section must request, in writing advance approval through their supervisor, from the Superintendent and/or designee. The request shall not indicate the specific reason for the desired use of its personal necessity leave. Such verification shall contain the statement assuring that any personal necessity leave was not related to a work stoppage or slowdown.

13.3.5 A unit member may be called upon to verify in writing that the personal necessity leave was used only for purposes as set forth in 13.3.2 above. A unit member will be subject to appropriate discipline if the leave was used for purposes other than stipulated.
13.4 Bereavement Leave
13.4.1 A unit member shall be entitled to a maximum of four (4) days leave of absence, or six (6) days leave of absence if one way travel in excess of three hundred (300) miles, without loss of salary on account of the death of any member of his/her immediate family.

13.4.2 For purposes of this provision, an "immediate family member" shall be defined as husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild, foster son, foster daughter, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, step-father, step-mother, step-child, step-brother, step-sister, registered domestic partner, or any relative of either spouse living in the immediate household of the employee.
Please note: As of January 1, 2023, Assembly Bill 1949 requires employers to provide up to five (5) days of bereavement leave regardless of mileage. 
13.5.4 Parental Leave
One day of leave shall be granted to a unit member without loss of pay for birth or adoption of his/her child.
13.11.1 Leave of Absence
Upon recommendation by the supervisor and/or Superintendent, approval of leave without compensation, increment or seniority may be granted for a period not to exceed more than one (1) year.

13.11.2 The application for and granting of such leaves of absence shall be in writing. In addition, a unit member on such leave shall notify the District Office thirty (30) days prior to his/her return as to the intent to return to employment in the District. Failure to notify may be considered abandonment of the position.
13.12 Catastrophic Leave Program
13.12.1 The District and Association agree to the establishment of a Catastrophic Leave Program. A "Catastrophic Illness" or "injury" means an unforeseen illness or injury that is expected to incapacitate an employee for an extended period of time, or that incapacitates a member of the employee's family whose incapacity requires the
employee to take time off from work for an extended period of time to care for that family member. Examples of a “Catastrophic Illness” may include, but are not limited to, the following: complications resulting from a serious disease, cancer, a heart condition, and/or injuries resulting from a car accident. Cosmetic surgery procedures and stress shall not constitute a “Catastrophic Illness.”

13.12.2 Participation in the Catastrophic Leave Program is voluntary. Any bargaining unit member may donate accumulated and unused sick leave to eligible bargaining unit members on a case by case basis. Donations of eligible leave credits are irrevocable once deducted from donors’ sick leave accounts. Any pledged donations that are not used shall not be deducted from donors’ sick leave accounts. Any participating bargaining unit member’s remaining sick leave may not drop below five (5) days.

13.12.3 To receive a donation of hours, eligible unit members must complete the Request for Catastrophic Sick Leave Form and submit physician verification of the catastrophic illness or injury. Unit members may not receive a donation until they have exhausted all accrued paid leave credits including sick leave and vacation leave. The maximum donation to an eligible unit member shall be the equivalent of 30 working days.
Article 16 Vacation Time
16.3 A unit member must work 11 days in a month to earn a day of earned vacation. Overtime and extra time shall not be considered in the computation of these 11 days.

16.4 Earned vacation days shall not become a vested right until a new member has completed six months employment with the District. However, during this six-month period, unit members may be granted vacation within the sole discretion of District management. The six-month period shall be computed as six months during which the employee is in a paid status in their regularly assigned position.

16.5 At the discretion of the District, a member may be advanced vacation prior to the employee's having earned the vacation. However, if the member resigns or is terminated, the amount of vacation pay shall be deducted from the final compensation of the employee.

16.6 When a member is terminated for any reason, they shall receive payment for days earned and accumulated up to and including the effective date of termination.

16.7 Scheduling of vacation shall be within the sole discretion of District management; however, vacations shall be scheduled at times requested by members insofar as possible within the District's work schedule. If there is any conflict between members who are working on the same or similar operations as to when vacations shall be taken, the one with the greatest bargaining unit seniority shall be given

16.8 Members whose work year is less than twelve months shall take their earned vacation during the regular Christmas and Spring school vacation periods. Any balance of earned vacation entitlement shall be taken during their employment year at the convenience of the District and the employee in conjunction with the scheduling and seniority provisions of this Article.
To read more about the benefits in the CSEA contract, please follow this link: CSEA CBA